類型 Type:灌木Shrub
中文名 Chinese name:烏來杜鵑
英名 English name:Kanehira azalea
科別 Family name:杜鵑花科Ericaceae
屬別 Genus name:杜鵑花屬Rhododendron
特有種 Endemic species:是Yes/Y
學名 Scientific Name:Rhododendron kanehirai Wilson
簡介 Description
學名紀念林業試驗所日治時期第一任所長金平亮三。過去僅分佈於北勢溪上游,因為建設翡翠水庫而消失於原生地。多年生灌木植物,生長於岩壁。葉片互生橢圓披針形,嫩葉覆剛毛。花小型,色紫紅,單瓣,於莖條的芽冠頂端單生或簇生,花冠呈闊鐘型,花萼五裂,三月下旬至四月上旬為花期;結卵形蒴果。永安是重要的復育區。The scientific name commemorates Kanehira Ryozo, the first director of the now Taiwan Forestry Research Institute (TFRI) during the Japanese colonial period. In the past, the species was only distributed in the upper reaches of Beishi River, but it disappeared in its original places due to the construction of Taipei Feitsui Reservoir. Perennial shrubs often grow on rocky walls. The elliptic-lanceolate leaves are alternately arranged, with the young leaves covered with setae. The simple flowers are small, purplish red, solitary or in clusters produced at the crown bud apexes of the stems. The corolla is broad bell-shaped, and the calyx is five-lobed. Flowering from late March to early April. This species produces ovate capsule fruits. The Yeongan Community area is one the important areas for its population restoration.
