

類型 Type:草本Herb/Herbaceous plant

中文名 Chinese name:光風輪

英名 English name:Slender wild basil

科別 Family name:唇形花科Labiatae

屬別 Genus name:風輪菜屬Clinopodium

特有種 Endemic species:否No/N

學名 Scientific Name:Clinopodium gracile (Benth.) Kuntze         

簡介 Description

又稱作塔花,常見於全臺低海拔地區的一年生草本,高達 30 公分。單葉對生,具葉柄,被柔毛;卵形至闊卵形葉片,葉緣呈鋸齒狀,葉表光滑。聚繖花序頂生,密生絨毛,花瓣粉紫色。果實為橢圓形堅果。莖方形,被短毛。

It is also known as the Tower Flowers, an annual herbaceous plant commonly found in low-altitude areas throughout Taiwan, up to 30 cm tall. Simple petiolate leaves are oppositely arranged, with pubescent petioles, ovate to broadly ovate blades, serrated leaf margins and the smooth leaf surface. It produces densely puberulent terminal cymes of flowers with pinkish purple petals, and tiny elliptic nut fruits. This species has 4-angled stems that covered with short hairs.
