

類型 Type:草本Herb/Herbaceous plant

中文名 Chinese name:哈哼花

英名 English name:Fork style flower

科別 Family name:爵床科Acanthaceae

屬別 Genus name:哈哼花屬Staurogyne

特有種 Endemic species:否No/N

學名 Scientific Name:Staurogyne concinnula (Hance) Kuntze     

簡介 Description

多年生草本,株高達20公分,分布於臺灣北部低海拔山區。單葉叢生莖基部,莖葉柄密被毛,葉片倒披針形,先端鈍形,波狀緣,葉面深綠色,葉背淡綠色。總狀花序近基生,花冠漏斗狀,淡紫紅色,花期3-6月。果實為長橢圓形蒴果。具降血壓、消炎等功效。常見於邊坡、岩壁,被稱作「蟑螂草」。A perennial herbaceous plant, around 20 cm in height, mainly distributed in low-altitude mountainous areas of northern Taiwan. Simple leaves are clustered at the base of the stem. The stems and leaf petioles are densely pubescent. The leaves are oblanceolate, with obtuse to rounded apexes and obscurely undulate margins; dark green on the upper leaf surface and light green on the leaf back. It produces flower racemes close to the plant base, with the lavender-colored and funnel-shaped corolla, from March to June, and the oblong capsule fruits. It has the medicinal properties for blood pressure control and anti-inflammation. The species is commonly found on slopes and rocky walls, thus has a nickname called “the cockroach grass”.
