

類型 Type:草本Herb/Herbaceous plant

中文名 Chinese name:烏來月桃

英名 English name:Bigflower shell ginger

科別 Family name:薑科Zingiberaceae

屬別 Genus name:月桃屬Alpinia

特有種 Endemic species:是Yes/Y

學名 Scientific Name:Alpinia uraiensis Hayata    

簡介 Description

分布於臺灣北到東北部山區溪谷林緣,葉呈線狀披針形,兩端漸尖,中肋有暗綠色波狀紋路。穗狀花序直立,白色花冠筒狀,末端粉紅,黃色唇瓣長圓狀三角形,具紅色斑紋,花期在四月。果軸挺立,卵球形蒴果有毛,成熟為橙黃色。Distributed on the edge of forests, valleys, river banks in the mountainous areas from north to northeast of Taiwan. The leaf blades are linear-lanceolate with both ends narrowing down acuminately, and dark green wavy pattern on the leaf surface. It produces erect spikes of white flowers with tubular corolla, pink at the tip. Its oblong-triangular yellow flower labellum has red radiate stripes. Flowering in April. The fruit rachis is erect with the densely hairy and ovoid capsule fruits that turn orange-yellow when mature.
