

類型 Type:蕨類Fern

中文名 Chinese name:雙扇蕨

英名 English name:Coupled Dipteris

科別 Family name:雙扇蕨科Dipteridaceae

屬別 Genus name:雙扇蕨屬Dipteris

特有種 Endemic species:否No/N

學名 Scientific Name:Dipteris conjugata Reinw  

簡介 Description

雙扇蕨在臺灣呈南北分布,多生長於低海拔潮濕岩壁邊坡。單葉散生,葉柄 30-60 公分,稻稈色,葉片二裂成相同扇形,兩扇再多次深裂,各裂片長漸尖頭,疏粗鋸齒。主脈二叉分歧,主脈間有許多小網眼。孢子囊堆呈圓形,著生網脈交叉點上,無孢膜。

Distributed north-south bound in Taiwan, and mostly grows on damp rocky slopes at low altitudes. The scattered growing and single-leaved species has a leaf with a petiole 30 to 60 cm long, rice-stalk-colored, divided to base into 2 fan-shaped halves, each half further deeply divided into unequal lobes multiple times, and the small lobes then tapering into narrow, acute apices, with coarsely toothed margins. The main leaf vein is bifurcated and the leaf is net-veined between the bifurcated main veins. Its round sporangiosorus is attached to the intersection of netted veins without the indusium.

單葉散生,葉柄 30-60 公分,稻稈色,葉片二裂成相同扇形,