類型 Type:蕨類Fern
中文名 Chinese name:生根卷柏
英名 English name:Doederlein’s spikemoss
科別 Family name:卷柏科Selaginellaceae
屬別 Genus name:卷柏屬Selaginella
特有種 Endemic species:否No/N
學名 Scientific Name:Selaginella doederleinii Hieron. subsp. doederleinii
簡介 Description
匍匐狀生長的蕨類,以根支體支撐。具兩種營養葉及一種孢子葉,側葉在小枝上呈覆瓦狀排列,同枝兩側緊靠斜展,葉面深綠,葉背淺綠; 2行中葉以覆瓦狀交互排列直向枝端。孢子葉有4列,卵狀三角形,在枝頂端呈覆瓦狀排列,形成穗狀。孢子囊穗四稜形。
A creeping fern supported by Rhizophore branches. The species has two kinds of trophophyll and one kind of sporophyll. The lateral leaves are imbricately arranged on the branchlets. The upper surface of leaf is dark green and the back of the leaf is light green; the two rows of dorsal leaves are alternately and imbricately arranged right to the branch apex. The quadrangular strobili consist of 4 rows of ovate-triangular sporophylls arranged imbricately at the apex of the branches.