

類型 Type:喬木Tree

中文名 Chinese name:白匏子

英名 English name:Turn in the wind

科別 Family name:大戟科Euphorbiaceae

屬別 Genus name:野桐屬Mallotus

特有種 Endemic species:否No/N

學名 Scientific Name:Mallotus paniculatus (Lam.) Müll.Arg. var. paniculatus   

簡介 Description

分布全臺中低海拔向陽地的先驅樹種,高可達15公尺,單葉互生具長柄,菱狀卵形,葉表灰綠,葉背白色密生星狀短絨毛,葉基具一對腺點,常見螞蟻在上面舔食。單性花,穗狀花序。果實為球形蒴果,外被短毛和柔軟長刺。可用於崩塌地的植被復育,英名來源是葉片隨風翻飛十分詩意。A pioneer tree species distributed in the sunny areas of middle and low altitudes in Taiwan. It can grow up to 15 meters tall. The simple leaves with long petioles are rhombically ovate and alternately arranged. The upper side of leaf surface is greyish green, and the leaf back is white and stellately pubescent. The leaf base has a pair of glandular points that often attract ants to feed on them. The plant produces spikes of unisexual flowers, and the spherical capsule fruit covered with short hairs and long soft spines. It can be used for vegetation restoration on collapsed land. Its English name came from the poetic depiction on the leaves’ free movement in the wind.
