類型 Type:喬木Tree
中文名 Chinese name:鼠刺
英名 English name:Formosan sweet spire
科別 Family name:鼠刺科Iteaceae
屬別 Genus name:鼠刺屬Itea
特有種 Endemic species:否No/N
學名 Scientific Name:Itea oldhamii C.K.Schneid
簡介 Description
Evergreen small trees or shrubs. The simple coriaceous leaves are alternately arranged, with smooth leaf surface, ovate to elliptic; its leaf apex is acuminate and the serrated leaf margins can be quite sharp. The flower racemes are about 3-5 cm long, and consist of flowers with white petals. The species produces pot-shaped capsule fruits. The wood is tough and used to make various utensils.