類型 Type:喬木Tree
中文名 Chinese name:水冬瓜
英名 English name:Oldham’s saurauia
科別 Family name:獼猴桃科Actinidiaceae
屬別 Genus name:水冬瓜屬Saurauia
特有種 Endemic species:否No/N
學名 Scientific Name:Saurauia tristyla DC. var. oldhamii (Hemsl.) Finet &Gagnep.
簡介 Description
常見於中低海拔陰暗潮濕處,高約3-6公尺。單葉互生具葉柄,長約15-20公分,葉表面有細毛。花瓣 5 片,粉紅色,呈圓錐花序。白色果實在夏季成熟,飽滿的漿果像冬瓜口味的藍莓,相當可口。
Commonly seen in dark and humid places at middle and low altitudes, 3 to 6 meters tall. Simple leaves with petioles are alternately arranged, 15-20 cm long, pubescent on the leaf surface. The panicles consist of pink flowers with 5 petals. The plump delicious white fruits ripe in summer, resembling winter-melon-sugar-flavored blueberries.