類型 Type:喬木Tree
中文名 Chinese name:九芎
英名 English name:Subcostate crape myrtle
科別 Family name:千屈菜科Lythraceae
屬別 Genus name:紫薇屬Lagerstroemia
特有種 Endemic species:否No/N
學名 Scientific Name:Lagerstroemia subcostata Koehne
簡介 Description:
A common deciduous tree at low altitudes. It often grows into a landmark specimen, thus resulting in many areas in Taiwan are named after this plant. The alternate leaves are papery. The bark is very easy to come off, revealing the smooth trunk that gives the species the nickname as “monkeys-don’t-climb”. The wood is hard with high density, excellent for firewood, construction, farm tools, and chopping boards.